Contour – Maps and Analysis PDF reports

Today’s update to Contour enables users to export a number of maps and analysis layers as PDF reports, helping to store and share data more easily offline and outside of Contour.
Here’s how:

  • A new PDF export button is located in the Maps and analysis selection panel. Selecting this will load the PDF generation wizard which enables the report to be configured.
  • Data in the report can be configured by map layers and by fields. The following map layers are currently available:
    • Cropping (crop type or variety)
    • P, K, Mg indicies, & pH
    • Soil last analysed
    • Sand %, Silt %, & Clay%
    • Organic matter (All, Dumas, LOI, & Walkley Black)

    Check your report configuration on the summary step and select “Generate PDF”, followed by “Open Downloads” to access your report.

  • All selected layers and fields will be displayed in a single PDF report, with one page per layer.

We have additionally made a number of small updates to enhance user experience by improving navigation, usability, and performance:

  • Sand %, Silt %, and Clay % map legends are now in vertical format and have moved into their own new menu category called “Texture Analysis”.
  • Soil last analysed map colours have been updated to more easily identify differences between the classifications.

Log in to Contour to check out the updates today, and please send any feedback you may have to to help us keep improving.

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