
A Guaranteed Clear Image Every Week

Experience Next-Gen ClearSky Satellite Imagery

Guaranteed imagery every 6 days, all year round

Based on ground-breaking techniques developed by leading astrophysicists

First AI derived imagery product of its kind on the market

No loss of accuracy over time when there are long periods without clear optical images

Exclusively available through Contour

Overcoming the Cloud Coverage Challenge

With an average of 67% of Earth under cloud cover at any given time, obtaining clear, regular satellite imagery has been a persistent problem in agriculture, severely limiting the value of optical imagery for scouting and planning since visibility on crop development is lost during gaps in coverage.

ClearSky's innovative solution uses AI to derive full-spectrum optical and infrared imagery, including NDVI & GCVI, from radar (SAR) data alone.

Since SAR data penetrates clouds, ClearSky guarantees regular, reliable imagery every 6 days, all year round.

And unlike other cloud-free solutions, because ClearSky doesn’t need any optical imagery for recalibration, it doesn’t lose accuracy over time when there are long periods without clear optical images.

How ClearSky Works


A Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) equipped satellite captures radio- and microwaves reflecting off Earth’s surface, passing through clouds and haze.


The reflected data is synthesised into a high-resolution reconstruction of the ground.


ClearSky’s deep neural network translates the SAR reconstruction into traditional NDVI and GCVI imagery, easily interpretable and relevant for agricultural use.


The end result shows the optical image a satellite would see if there were no clouds blocking its view.

Rigorous Testing and Evaluation for Proven Results

ClearSky has undergone extensive testing and evaluation, and continues to be further refined:


99% accuracy in comparison with Sentinel-2 NDVI imagery (as calculated from the average of [ClearSky NDVI prediction/Sentinel-2 NDVI] over approximately 250 million pixels)

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High average precision to within 9% in comparison with Sentinel-2 NDVI imagery (for a random individual ClearSky pixel, we’d expect it to be either 91% or 109% of the Sentinel-2 value on average)
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Over 7 million field-level ClearSky images delivered to date

Collaboration between agronomists, researchers, precision specialists, and farmers to refine ClearSky models

Continuous model retraining to improve quality

Transform Your Agricultural Business with ClearSky

Origin Digital ClearSky Cloud Free Imagery in Contour Mobile

ClearSky's reliable weekly imagery offers numerous benefits:

Guaranteed weekly NDVI and GCVI imagery enables consistent monitoring of crop health, variation, and performance

Target field assessments to areas that need attention and reduce time spent on unnecessary inspections, whatever the weather

Create and adapt crop management plans in a timely manner with recent clear imagery always available

Optimise input management using up-to-date information to make informed decisions

Case Study: Optimising Variable Rate Nitrogen with ClearSky

In the face of unprecedented nitrogen pricing, ClearSky helps farmers and advisors:

Determine crop needs using clear imagery despite adverse weather


Target inputs to crop variation


Reduce carbon footprint (avg. 25% reduction in application volumes)


Increase nitrogen use efficiency by 5-10% on average


Optimise gross margin


Discover the Power of ClearSky

Embrace the future of precision agriculture with ClearSky’s guaranteed clear imagery and enhance your decision-making processes. Contact us to learn more about how ClearSky can help you.