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Inom kort lanseras en ny teknologi i Irland som en del av Origin Digitals tjänst “GrassMax”. Denna banbrytande teknologi mäter…

GrassMax clinches Innovation Arena overall prize
The world’s first temperate climate grassland management tool, GrassMax, has been named as the overall winner at this year’s Enterprise…

Partnership announce technology that enables farmers to measure grass from space
The new AI-based technology estimates grass height to within an accuracy of just 1.5cm, from satellites nearly 700km above the…

Watching Grass Grow … From Space
Knowing when your fields are an optimal length for grazing is crucial for grassland farmers or ranchers. Satellites may be…

Satellite tech to measure grass from space
A ‘world-first’ technology breakthrough will allow Irish farmers to use satellites to measure grass growth… Share via: Facebook Twitter LinkedIn…

Britse technologie zet satellieten in voor precisielandbouw
De Britse technologiebedrijven Origin Digital en Aspia Space hebben maandag aangekondigd dat het mogelijk is om satellietbeelden te gebruiken in…